Presenter TH | EN
Presenter Emmanouil Tzannes
Affiliation Louvre Abu Dhabi
Date/Time 12-09-2024 / 10:30-12:00 hrs.
Presentation Title Tackling budgetary constraints through fundraising

   Context - There is a very well documented global trend that affects the operation and development of museums. Governments are decreasing the spending on culture, arts and heritage institutions, both in absolute (per-institution) terms and in terms of percentage of the GDP. For museums to be able to fully operate, enhance their activities and better perform their civic role, access to alternative sources of funding is essential. External fundraising is both substituting the government funding, or the loss of it, and directly enables the development of new activities and programs and the modernisation of the institutions. Examining some of the main factors that contribute to the decrease in the government spending on cultural institutions is also essential.

    The list of factors is not exhaustive. 

   - Socio-economic and political priorities

   - Increase in number of museums 

   - Privately owned museums

   - Demographic realities

   - Stricter governance rules 

   How can museums navigate through this new socio-economic environment?
   Having a strong and multi-layered development strategy will allow museums to adapt to the new realities. 
   Objective - Taking Louvre Abu Dhabi as an example, we can discuss the development strategy of an institution that relies heavily and exclusively on government funding but has adopted a strong development strategy both to subsidise this funding and operate outside of the budgetary constraint imposed by it.
   Outcomes - The main focus will be on innovative fundraising tools that Louvre Abu Dhabi is employing, which provide direct answers to questions of common interest. How can we incorporate in the museum’s fundraising narrative ideas and notions that are more pertinent to what large corporate institutions and wealthy individuals are more interested in? How can we engage with the whole spectrum of the private sector and not focus solely on the top companies? How can we bypass budgetary limitations while expanding the range and reach of our activities? 

   Having almost 20 years’ experience in Development and almost 15 years of experience in Fundraising for cultural institutions, he is currently the Development Manager of Louvre Abu Dhabi, while having served as Head of Sponsorships for Qatar Museums and Commercial Director of Riyadh Art.

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Conference Format
The presentation and discussion will be conducted in both English and Thai, with interpreters provided.
No registration fee is required.
The event is open to 200 participants.


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Chewasit Boonyakiat
Phone 02 225 2777 ext. 429
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