Presenter TH | EN
Presenter Christine Begley
Affiliation Huron|GG+A Global Philanthropy; AEA Consulting
Contributors Adrian Ellis
Date/Time 12 September 2024 / 15:30-17:00 hrs.
Presentation Title How repatriations can reshape the museum model

   The politics and ethics of restitution get a great deal of attention; the complex practicalities of successful restitution and reintegration of objects into the societies from which they were taken, much less. In the recent past, ASEAN countries, including Cambodia, Thailand, and Indonesia, have secured the return of artefacts. In most cases, the return is a high-profile and domestically celebrated event. However, there is a wide range of ‘institutional readiness’ – appropriate organizational and physical structures – in place in these countries and other countries to reintegrate objects successfully. 

  Many objects being returned have spiritual as well as historical significance, suggesting places and methods of display very different from those of the restituting museums; there are multiple narratives to be told about them; they often present complex conservation and provenance research challenges; issues of governance, management, security, adequate staffing, financial sustainability and, in some of these countries, corruption, all bear down on the process. 

    This presentation will discuss ways that countries and institutions are confronting these issues and reintegrating heritage in positive, salient ways that inspire and educate local and global communities, generate new creative economies, and ultimately lead to museum innovation. 

    We will also consider the ongoing responsibilities of the Western museum community, specifically of institutions returning objects. Should the restituting party have ongoing financial responsibilities for the costs of stewardship—in other words, is there a role for reparations? 


     Christine Begley is a Senior Advisor at Huron|GG+A Global Philanthropy. A museum specialist in strategy and fundraising, she spent most of her career at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and most recently at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art, where she developed major international initiatives. 

     Adrian Ellis is the founder of AEA Consulting and the Global Cultural Districts Network. He has worked in senior management and as a board member in both museums and the performing arts, and as a strategy consultant to leading clients in the cultural, public, and business sectors around the world.

NoteThe presenter is unable to attend the conference due to important commitments.

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Conference Format
The presentation and discussion will be conducted in both English and Thai, with interpreters provided.
No registration fee is required.
The event is open to 200 participants.


Contact Info.
Chewasit Boonyakiat
Phone 02 225 2777 ext. 429
Kusra Mukdawijit
Phone 02 225 2777 ext. 402


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