Panel TH | EN

  Panel Innovative Approaches to Cultural Narratives  
  Moderator Nuntamon Kutalad Ph.D.  

   This panel explores innovative methods of representing cultural heritage through community engagement, digital technologies, and educational initiatives. Presenters will discuss case studies and strategies for preserving and promoting cultural narratives in diverse contexts.

- Asin Tibuok: Representing the Intangible Cultural Heritage in a Museum ExhibitionAudrey Dawn Tomada

   Audrey Dawn Tomada from the National Museum of the Philippines presents the traditional salt-making practice of Asin Tibuok. This session highlights the challenges and successes in collaborating with local knowledge holders to represent this intangible heritage in museum exhibitions and initiatives aimed at preserving and promoting its cultural significance.

- Contributing to the Popular Spread of Maritime-Underwater Cultural Heritage through Exhibitions and Education using Digital Techniques in Maritime MuseumsJung Young-Hwa

   Jung Young-Hwa from the National Research Institute of Maritime Heritage, South Korea, discusses the integration of digital technology in maritime museums. This presentation examines how digital tools and online platforms have been utilized to make maritime cultural heritage accessible and engaging, especially during and after the pandemic.

- Promoting Scientific Knowledge and Traditional Wisdom among the ElderlyDitsaphon Matuampunwong

   Ditsaphon Matuampunwong from the National Science Centre for Education, Thailand, explores initiatives to integrate scientific knowledge with traditional wisdom for the elderly. This session emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning and how educational programs can enhance the quality of life for senior citizens by blending modern science with traditional practices.

Presentation Language: Thai and English
Date / Time: 12-09-2024 / 13.40-15.10 hrs.


   Nuntamon Noma Kutalad holds her PhD in Museum and Exhibition Design from the Institute of Art and Design, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. She is currently a lecturer of the Museum Studies and Cultural Studies (MA Programme), and acts as the Deputy Director for International Relations at the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia (RILCA), Mahidol University. Her expertise in Museum Studies focuses on museum management, museum exhibition design, and cultural interpretation for museums. Besides academic work, she is also the co-founder of the Facebook Group ‘Under the Spell of Museum.


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Phra Nakhon,
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Conference Format
The presentation and discussion will be conducted in both English and Thai, with interpreters provided.
No registration fee is required.
The event is open to 200 participants.


Contact Info.
Chewasit Boonyakiat
Phone 02 225 2777 ext. 429
Kusra Mukdawijit
Phone 02 225 2777 ext. 402


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